martes, 14 de junio de 2016

What it leads people to consume drugs?

There are many causes and factors. The first thing that must be taken into account is that the phenomenon of drug addiction is not a group or particular social, economic or cultural stratum. Drug use affects all of society as a whole.

In general, drug use corresponds to a desire to escape from reality. Drugs provide an escape route, a temporary relief to personal, family or social problems. They are also an exit door facing the existential vacuum present in the inner person, which leads her to tip over in pursuit of illusory outputs that fill empty saying.

Some factors favoring the phenomenon of drug addiction can be classified as follows:

-Social factors: currently, there is a wide availability of drugs, legal and illegal, what makes much easier to access and use them. Sleeping pills, tranquilizers, hypnotics, etc., are available at pharmacies without a prescription. Also the broad traffic and distribution of illegal drugs makes it easy to obtain them. Some drugs, such as ecstasy, are "fashionable", and practically can be obtained at any nightclub. Children and young people living in the streets can get adhesives, such as the Terokal, to inhale.

There is also much disinformation on the subject of drugs. Some sectors proposed decriminalizing and even the legalization of the use of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, arguing that they are not dangerous, at least not more than tobacco or alcohol, which are legal; or to legalize illicit drugs and mafias they will cease to exist. The media and education systems also favor the consumption of drugs to promote distorted values (the pleasure and satisfaction of life goal, consumerism, feel good at any price, living the moment, etc.)

The lust for the young of belonging to a group, of being part of a certain social circle, and pressures from the "friends", may also make the young look is initiated into drug use. Consumption may be the requirement for membership in the group, and once inside is facilitated the acquisition and consumption of toxic substances.

-Family factors: the children of parents smokers, drinkers or toxic dependents are more likely to take drugs than children of parents who are not. Family-friendly too permissive, where there is no discipline or control over the child; or too rigid, where children are subject to too much authoritarian rule or are overprotected, may also encourage drug use. The neglect of children by parents, families divided or destroyed, the continuous fights of the spouses against the children, the lack of communication between children and parents, these are all factors that contribute to create a climate of risk, where the drug can easily become an escape valve.

It was found that the use of drugs by young people is less frequent when family relations are satisfactory.

-Individual factors: many personal factors may influence the decision to use drugs. These can be seen as a way to escape everyday problems; Some people use them as a means to compensate for frustration, loneliness, low self-esteem or emotional problems. Indeed, under the influence of drugs the person experiences a State of euphoria that makes you forget problems or limitations you may have. The bad thing is that it is an illusion, and after that State of euphoria comes an even greater frustration than the initial, which leads the person to resort again to the drug.

Others start in the drug out of curiosity, or to experience new sensations before a certain apathy, I revulsion, boredom or even absurdity of life. Before vacuum that experience, the drug is presented as a seemingly attractive possibility, to fill that void.

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